We serve Plano by improving lives and making a difference locally and around the world.
We want to change the world with service-minded people.
Media Stories

The importance of communication in nursing homes

June 26, 2020

Plano West Rotary created the Goodie Bag project, where it asked individuals in the community to donate items like socks, candy, shoes, and game boards for gift bags to be given to 20 fathers residing in Victoria Gardens...

Improving lives and fighting for social justice through Rotary Community Corps

August 18, 2020

Plano West Rotary Works to Get COVID-19 Vaccine Info to Underserved Populations

May 11, 2021

Youth Project Overload?


June 2021


Vaccination education for all our neighborhoods

June 3, 2021

Rotary Club of Plano West, Texas

July 2021

Rotary Community Corps provides crucial resources to underserved Texas community

August 23, 2021

Rotary Awards