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<div>What They Say</div>
We serve Plano by improving lives and making a difference locally and around the world.
We want to change the world with service-minded people.
<div>We serve Plano by improving lives</div>
Media Stories
The importance of communication in nursing homes
June 26, 2020
Plano West Rotary created the Goodie Bag project, where it asked individuals in the community to donate items like socks, candy, shoes, and game boards for gift bags to be given to 20 fathers residing in Victoria Gardens...
Plano West Rotary Club Partnership Serves Douglass Community
July 29, 2020
As rallies for racial justice happened throughout Plano and the rest of the U.S. this summer, Alex Johnson, president of Plano West Rotary Club, wanted to get involved but didn't feel safe attending events in person because of the COVID pandemic...
How one pair of old shoes can change two communities
August 9, 2020
With every pound of shoes received, a few cents are given back. The club will be investing the proceeds from the drive toward the creation of programs that will promote economic growth, such as job training and career workshops, in the Douglass Community...
Improving lives and fighting for social justice through Rotary Community Corps
August 18, 2020
As members of the Rotary family, it is important that we do our part to listen, learn, and take action to ensure that we contribute to making positive change. A Rotary Community Corps can combat social justice. It's a group of non-Rotarians who can change the world through service projects...
Plano West Rotary Works to Get COVID-19 Vaccine Info to Underserved Populations
May 11, 2021
Plano West Rotary Club (PWRC) is working with assistance from the City of Plano to keep citizens informed about the COVID-19 vaccination process. Though many have access to information about the vaccine, the underserved population of Plano is not as well-resourced as other residents...
Youth Project Overload?
June 2021
A Rotary club can and should do more than one project with young people. I would find a club member who would co-lead the project with the Rotaract club. Let them market the project and recruit volunteers, and then celebrate their success...
Rotary Voices
Stories of service from around the world
Vaccination education for all our neighborhoods
June 3, 2021
From my town of Plano, a suburb of Dallas, Texas, we see the virus devastating lives in India. Last year, COVID-19 affected people overseas, and then took hold in America. We can counter the threat and stay safe by getting people vaccinated..
Rotary Club of Plano West, Texas
July 2021
Late one afternoon in early April, Alex Johnson parked his care on a modest street in Plano, Texas. Cell phone in hand, he began giving a FaceTime tour of the city's historic Douglass neighborhood, a community established in the 1860s when two freed slaves settled there...
Rotary Community Corps provides crucial resources to underserved Texas community
August 23, 2021
As rallies for racial justice happened throughout the U.S. in the summer of 2020, members of Plano West Rotary Club (PWRC) located in Plano, Texas felt compelled to find a COVID-safe way to help create equity for the Black community, as well as involve more community members in Rotary's effort...
<div style="text-align: center">Media Stories</div>
Rotary Awards
<div style="text-align: center">Rotary Awards</div>
Honors & Recognition