At Plano West Rotary Club's meeting on May 24, Nora Gravois from the Wellness Center for Older Adults spoke to our members. Nora shared helpful information on the services and resources that the center provides to senior adults for healthy living in Collin County – and many are free!

Most of our Rotarians are already familiar with the Wellness Center, as its executive director is Joy Hinkelman, our incoming club president on July 1. Joy also shared a little bit more about her family and background as part of our weekly features on members and their vocations.
Our club was joined by several visitors today. Modou Lamin M. Camara was a visiting Rotarian from Gambia! David Rankin, Iro Omere and Michael Casavantes also joined as guests.

Visitors are always welcome at our meetings every Tuesday at noon at Norma's Cafe in Plano or on Zoom.