Plano West Rotary Club was honored to be asked this year by the City of Plano to help lead the childrens’ craft at Dickens, the annual holiday festival in Downtown Plano. The event was sponsored by Plano newcomer H-E-B.
Service project leaders Jennifer Shertzer and Courtney Hitt planned a craft weeks in advance that would appeal to residents of all backgrounds, and the City of Plano purchased all of the supplies needed.

On the evening of December 3rd, Rotarians and community volunteers worked in three different shifts to help festival attendees make their own miniature festive holiday sweater that could be hung on a Christmas tree or attached to a magnet and hung on the refrigerator.
Because our city is so wonderfully diverse and because Rotary is committed to inclusivity and promoting peace, children were provided with stickers, buttons and other embellishments that were appropriate whether a family celebrates Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or a secular holiday. It was truly heartwarming to see families of all backgrounds gathered around our tables, speaking multiple languages.

Thanks to event sponsor H-E-B, the holiday craft was provided free of charge to families, and paper crowns, reusable shopping bags and childrens’ books were also provided for free. It was wonderful to be able to serve families that might have limited financial resources and simultaneously help promote a large new employer in Plano.
Plano West Rotary volunteers helped set up the tables and chairs, put out all of the supplies, lead the craft-making process, assist children, replenish supplies and clean up afterward. In addition to Jennifer and Courtney, Rotarians Mollie Hancock, Laura Johnson, Cristina Todd and Nadya Tatsch served alongside many volunteers. Special shout-out to Cristina who stayed for all three shifts and worked almost six hours!

Altogether 18 volunteers served a total of 52.75 hours which included the time spent in the planning stage.
This event was a great way to kick off the holidays with an impactful team that had fun and can always be counted on to get the job done!