The 5 Rotary Clubs in Plano have joined forces to host the second annual Honoring and Remembering 9/11 event.  Last year’s event was quiet a success with over 300 attendees and not a dry eye in the house.  This year we have engaged two retired NYPD officers to be our speakers; their stories will be very interesting I am sure.  The purpose of the event is multi fold:  to remember and thus never forget the events of 9/11 (the speakers), to honor first responders and survivors (honor the speakers with a Paul Harris Fellow), to provide community awareness of what Rotary does for our community and to raise a little money (hopefully) for Polio Plus.
I am sure you are aware of the debilitating effects of Polio and how it attacks children.  We are but a plane ride from one of the remaining epidemic countries away from an outbreak in the US.  As you should know, Polio Plus is the charity of choice of our District Governor’s spouse for the second year in a row.

Payment by Sept 1 is requested. You may go to and pay with credit card via paypal or mail your check (preferred) to: Plano Sunrise Rotary 9/11, PO Box 861165, Plano TX 75086-1165