Julia, president of Plano West's first Interact Club (at Clark HS), did a great job sharing information about Rotary and Interact to other students at Clark HS! There were up to 14 people at the meeting, as well as Mike & Michelle from Plano West. Julia had some great ideas and goals for this club, including 1 community service project each month & 1 international service project each quarter. The club expects to meet at lunch every 2 weeks.
Also, Vig, our Rotaracts Club's president, did a great job as the speaker at Julia's first club meeting. He is a former RYLA student as well as Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE) student, and that's what he talked about. He shared how RYE works as well as his experiences in Taiwan and showed off is RYE blazer with all the pins he exchanged with other RYE students.